Sale Offerings

Below you'll find an electronic copy of our annual private treaty catalog along with supplement sheets of up-to-date sale offerings, performance data, and EPDs. Since our establishment, we've conducted our business by private treaty and encouraged our customers to visit the ranch and view the cattle personally. We prefer this method over the traditional production sale format as it allows us to work with our customers at their convenience and better assist them in finding the proper genetics for their particular situation. We hope the information provided below can help you begin your bull-buying process. But if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll do our best to serve you.


Hereford Range Bulls

Whether you're in the market for a bull to provide calving ease or inject a few extra pounds to your calf crop, we offer a variety of Hereford genetic lines to better assist you in meeting your operations demands. These bulls are fed a high-roughage total mixed ration with access to free choice Purina Availa 4 mineral to promote natural development and increased fertility. We hold our bulls to extremely high standards and do our best to cull ruthlessly and record their data accurately to ensure they maintain their "Good Doin'" reputation with our customers and the commercial cattle industry.
Click Here For the 2025 Complete Listing (.xls)

Hereford & F1 Females

Throughout any female's tenure here on the ranch, we continuously evaluate udder quality, disposition, do-ability, and fertility. This zero-tolerance approach ensures that only the highest maternal traits pass down from one generation to the next. Like our bulls, we develop our heifers on their own formulated total mixed ration while collecting every form of TPR data possible, including pelvic measurements and DNA testing. We rarely purchase females and elect to raise our replacement heifers to build our herd naturally for better predictability. As a result, many cow families who roam our pastures today trace back lineages from the mid-1970s. They've proven themselves by working hard for us, and we're confident they'll continue to do the same for your operation too!

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Angus Range Bulls

As of 2019, we've partnered with Buford Ranches, LLC from Welch, OK, as our source for top-quality purebred Angus genetics. Viewed as one of the nation's premier Angus breeders, these bulls are developed in prime cattle country and combine high-performance sires with proven maternal cow families. We trust these genetics as if they were our own and utilize them on our replacement heifers and commercial Hereford cows. As a result, we can offer a fantastic set of F1 Black Baldy steers and heifers every year. These highly sought-after calves grow efficiently in a feedlot setting but also make great replacements while roaming a wide-open pasture.
Click Here For Complete Listing (.xls)